until your Birthday. Because one of these photos is your card.
Skipped class today, went to DUMBO and took photos, and along the way went to this amazing used book shop and found these old post cards.
darling, darling. So much to do and never enough time in the day.
Love the vintage cards, Jess. They're too cute :) Hope all is well with you.
Always enjoy those vintage imagess... my grandma had that sewing machine...wonder where it is now...
Blessings as always to you!
Oooh so lovely those cards! Great find, darling! <3
Thank you so much for your ever so sweet comments on y blog. They mean a lot to me...
what wonderful post cards! and i adore you hallowe'en costume idea! i think you'll look pretty as a wood-nymph!
i need a good idea for hallowe'en, i was going as a zombie bride, but now i think i want to be a prettier character. not sure what though. sigh.
your comments make me smile! thank you forever. *hug*
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